Tämä verkkosivusto käyttää evästeitä, jotta voimme tarjota sinulle parhaan mahdollisen käyttökokemuksen. Evästetiedot tallennetaan selaimeesi ja ne esimerkiksi tunnistavat sinut, kun palaat verkkosivuillemme, ja auttavat meitä ymmärtämään, mitkä verkkosivuston osiot ovat mielenkiintoisimpia ja hyödyllisimpiä.

Machine Electrics
Machine electrics and control systems
Hydraulic Systems
Hydraulic systems, including drive systems, control panels and all sorts of auxiliary systems
Reliable partner
Since it’s founding in 1998, the privately run Averfin has proven to be a reliable provider in machine electrics and hydraulics
Averfin Oy
- Access solutions for any vehicle type
Averfin Oy is a privately owned Finnish company established in 1998 that specializes in designing machine hydraulics and building control systems for machine electrification, as well as auxiliary equipment installations.
Components and spare parts are also an integral part of our business profile.
Expertise in our field
Our experience extends to designing and building hydraulics and control systems for the maritime industry.
We have built control systems for hydraulics and machine electrification that require marine classification. We are one of Finland’s biggest suppliers of IQAN control systems.
Tailored service
We adapt our service solutions to our customers’ needs, and our service covers the equipment’s long life cycle, from commissioning to servicing and maintenance.
We always aim to carry out the work on our customers’ premises, which helps save time and resources. Our services are just a phone call away.
Skilled personnel
Technology has been advancing very rapidly in recent years. Ensuring a high level of expertise among personnel requires continuous training. Our employees regularly participate in trainings to ensure that they can meet any technical challenge.
We also place a high priority on occupational safety, and all of our employees have at least a valid Hot Work Licence and Occupational Safety Card, as well as the required security clearances.
Our customers
LM-Suomiset Oy (www.lm-suomiset.fi)
RisuTec Oy (www.risutec.fi)
Kome Oy (www.kome.fi)
Volvo (www.volvotrucks.fi)
Suomen Telakone Oy (www.telakone.com)
HonkaTrading Oy (www.realmachinery.fi)
RealMachinery Oy (www.honkatrading.com)
DaeTek Oy (www.daetek.fi)
Suomen Rakennuskone Oy (www.sr-o.fi)
Rotator Oy (www.rotator.fi)
Maanrakennus Mykrä (www.mm-mykra.fi)
Suomen Konetalo (www.suomenkonetalo.fi)
Delete (www.delete.fi)
Lemminkäinen / INFRA
Destia (www.destia.fi)
WasaDredning (www.wasadredging.fi)
Finavia (www.finavia.fi)